Mike and Kali Smith along with their girls Samantha and Jacee
established Cold Copper Cattle Co. when they purchased the last 7
heifers from Kali’s father before he retired in 2018.
Cold Copper Ranch
is located just outside of Burnet, Texas in the heart of the Hill
Country. Before all this cow business, Mike and Kali owned and operated
Norfoxx Refrigeration out of Round Rock, Texas for 14 years. Starting
with just the 2 of them it grew to 150 employees, after lots of thought
they decided to retire from refrigeration and go back to their roots.
Growing up in southwest Kansas we were not exposed to many Longhorns, so
moving to Texas in 2007 was just the beginning of falling in love with
these majestic animals. Strolling by ranches stopping to take pictures,
holding up traffic, we said one day we will have ONE of those yard
trophies! We both grew up in rural communities in Kansas, Kali was born
and raised on a farm and Mike grew up working the alfalfa fields.
Putting our knowledge together we hope to build a ranch that we can hand
down to our kids and grandkids.